Friday, October 7, 2011

it all started with a laundry mat

tonight after work...korbel, smart ones, so high i could eat a star..i'll continue on the laundry mat story later...besides that i'm SIMPLIFYING life..supes simple! xxox worrrrrrrds and things and stuff

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Times they are a changin

Title speaks for itself! So much has been going on!! I'll write more tonight :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Girl's Best Friend?

So, I have been thinking A LOT lately about getting a puppy of my own. I'm pretty "fun-sized" 5'2'' a little under 110lbs so I've always wanted BIG things. For example, I've always wanted a big SUV or truck (even though I drive a small scion tC)...and I've also always said I want to get a HUGE puppy when I get one!

I am in love with Mastiffs! So I have been reading up on Mastiffs, and all of the hybrid "designer" breeds of Mastiffs there are. Out of 17 different hybrid Mastiffs, I narrowed it down to 11 (haha) and now to about 4, but I still can't decide.

Top of my list is the "Daniff or Great Daniff" a cross between a Great Dane and a Mastiff:
Apparently from something I read online that someone wrote, they have a 4 month old Daniff and it's already way over 60lbs.

Next choice is the "Mastador" a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Mastiff:
This Mastador is only 15 months old and weighs a little over 100lbs! So cute!!

Now this hybrid Mastiff, the "Irish Mastiff" a cross between a Mastiff and an Irish Wolfhound:
Okay, so this dog is just absolutely stinkin adorable! Reminds me of an old man and I love the look of it! According to the website this picture came from, this Irish Mastiff is 6 months old! It's so big too :)

The last hybrid I narrowed my long list down to is the "Giant Maso Mastiff" a cross between an Old English Mastiff and a Cane Corso Italiano. My best friend's family has a Giant Maso named Willow and when I met her I fell in love with the dog! So I am leaning towards the Giant Maso.
This is a Giant Maso Mastiff at 4 months old and below, the same dog, fully grown at 140lbs.

I am looking for breeders currently or anyone who knows about these types of hybrids. Any input would help :) xo G

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Just wanted to say that appreciate what you have, especially your family. In the end, family is all you have no matter what.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This week has been super busy..NON STOP for me!!! From doing the last of putting my new place together, hanging, and having a few repairs done...spending time with my boy and the puppy...and running seems to be one of the busiest weeks I've had in a really long time! Nothing exciting really has been going on, so I don't know really what to write about today! Matt and his softball team had their first game last night VS. the Best Buy team and THEY WON!! We brought Sierra and she had SO much fun! Hung out at the McComb's today with Bekah, her two boys, Korbin and Kylan, and her sister Emily and her daughter Reagan! Off to watch the news then to Matt's! xo Gina

Sunday, August 14, 2011

oh and PS...

Hokay So..

Katelynn finally put up pics from Sydney and Pat's wedding!!! There are all so awesome and I was super excited to see them this weekend. Here's a few of my favorites..

We had so much fun!!! Thank you Katelynn for finally putting these up after a couple weeks of harassment from me :)

This weekend

I had a great weekend!! Pics and more writing to come when I'm back home at my laptop. Sierra just socked me in the eye with her paw when I was laying in bed..awesome way to start the day!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thanks Cry Baby Pool Nazi!

So...laying out in a Coleman camping chair is definitely not as ruiner lol!!

Pool Nazi Cry Baby!!!

It'd be reallllly soopa nice if my tailbone wasn't broken and my butt didn't hurt 24/7. So yesterday, my best friend Bekah and I took her kids to the pool where I used to live..(like literally moved out of that place last week or so) there's this lady that owns a condo there, Eileen, aka "The Pool Nazi" who I became laying out buddies with over the 2 summers I had been living there. So she tells me before I move out "if you ever want to come to the pool just call me and I will let you in." Anyways, I was at the pool yesterday and she saw me and absolutely FREAKED out on me..yelling at me (while I was maintaining my coolness, staying calm and collected) telling me that I was breaking the law and trespassing. This lady is, well, I don't know how old she is because she looks like my brown leather Michael Kors purse but was acting like an absolute child. I asked her to calm down, stop yelling, but finally I was just like you're psycho, and being rude just leave us alone. Then she gets all defensive "you're calling ME rude?!?! You're trespassing, and IN FRONT OF THE KIDS!!" (What is the difference anyways between me letting myself in and me having to call her to let me's still trespassing since I don't live there anymore cry baby!) Haha, I was really mad about it but laughed it off because she's the one who had to go out of her day (because she's a lonely old hag) to ruin a 1 and 4 year old's fun day at the pool (which they were both looking forward to very much) Korbin called her a "cry baby" which I thought was very appropriate :) We ended up going to Riverview park since we couldn't swim. Wasn't going to let the CRY BABY ruin our day!!!

But yeah, lady I hope that made you feel AWESOME inside!! Karma will come your way, so you may want to quit laying at the pool because leather looks WAY better when it's a purse, not your SKIN!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why Are Cat Toys Even Made??

I can't even think of the amount of money I have spent on the countless (pointless) toys for my two adorable cats Rondo & Baby (I'm not a huge Celtics fan at all...)
this is Baby (Persian buff tiger)

this is Rondo, and SHE is NOT a HE!! after 4 years of having Baby and Rondo, now 1 year..I finally realize that they play with just about anything and everything but these pointless cat toys I buy for them. Not to mention, I actually put time in to choosing which ones to purchase. No, they don't play with the little balls with bells inside them, or the stupid fake stuffed mice...they steal my hair ties...and play with imaginary things on the floors and Rondo's favorite...twist ties and the things that you take off of a gallon of milk when you open it. I swear she has like 10 of them. So to all you cat owners, quit wasting your money on these pointless (but such cute) cat toys and start drinking more milk!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm SO pumped!!

I get my PL ticket tomorrow!! McCombs and I are going to the pool. It's been a busy day..don't have much time to write as of now, maybe later! xo PS comcast really grinds my gears!!!

Thing that's really bothering me today..

I NEED to do my nails stat!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Besides the Traffic...

to this...

Oh just another reason I really dislike Charlottesville...

No, UVA students (and the corner) quite possibly is the biggest reason I dislike Charlottesville, but TRAFFIC...

...that's another story!!!

Stairs of DEATH!

So..I don't drink. (anymore) Friday I joined some buddies at McGrady's and (oh my g!) I decided to have one beer. SOBER! Well leaving the parking lot, I decided to back in to a BMW...fleeing the scene since my car was fine. That night, I also fell off my bed and bruised my tail bone. Anyways, the next girlfriends and I were having a conversation about falling down stairs and how we all thought we were the only ones who had a fear of falling down them and dying. My luck, the next morning as I'm walking down my stairs before work...I fall down them and BROKE my already bruised tail bone. And yes, it hurts to do absolutely EVERYTHING....think of anything, ask, and I will tell you it hurts.

When My Dog Drinks My Coffee...

You never know what will happen when you leave a six month old pit mix alone for five minutes...Sierra drank my cup of coffee and decided to knock it off the table, breaking it, to let us know she was finished! 

but how could you be mad at THIS...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life is...

Right now my life is soopa doopa exciting and I can say for once, I truly feel happy!
I have a wonderful job, I just moved in to an amazing 2 story 2 bedroom on the Rivanna river...
life reconstruction happened and things are just going to get better from here :)